Custom Pressure Range:
Senphire (as well as many other leading manufacturers)
specify accuracy in terms of % Full Scale (%FS). Full scale
refers the the full pressure scale the sensor is calibrated to.
To ensure you are getting the maximum accuracy your sensor needs
to be optimized to the exact pressure range you are trying to
measure. For example using a 15 psi FS sensor to measure 7.5 psi
FS would result in half accuracy than using a 7.5 psi FS sensor.
Custom Outputs:
This corresponds to the analog voltage levels the sensor is
calibrated to. The standard output for a 5 psi sensor is 0.5V to
4.5V at offset (0 psi) and full scale (5 psi) respectively. What
if you are using an alternate part which is calibrated to 0.2V
and 4.7V? No problem we can accommodate this in our calibration.
We can even invert the polarity such that 0.5V at 5 psi and 4.5V
at 0 psi.
Custom Pressure Die:
Do you need to use a special pressure die? For example a low
pressure sensor with extra high over pressure? Extra high
sensitivity pressure die? We can source and package a suitable
solution for you.
Note: Request will be considered on a case by case basis.
Minimum orders apply. Please contact us for more details.